Fertility Fraud: Natural Killer (NK) Cell Testing

Natural Killer Cells – Fertility Fraud?“, from a reputable IVF clinic in Europe, certainly echoes the thoughts that we have and actually is the consensus of the Reproductive Medicine community. Many excellent articles have been written to this effect echoing the concerns put forth by these authors. The renowned physicians in England have been studying this quite closely and many articles reveal that the natural killer (NK) cell testing simply is inaccurate and fraught with problems and high false positive rates. A physician in England, Dr. Ashley Moffett, has written an excellent summation of this; though, perhaps, overly scientific for some readers. It certainly summarizes nicely the concerns shown by these other physicians, Dr. Norman Shreeve, as well as Professor Lesley Regan. I strongly caution patients to review Natural Killer (NK) Cell teting prior to having it completed. The testing is costly and often, if not always, leads to a lot of further testing and unnecessary treatments that are not shown to benefit implantation in the context of IVF or reduce pregnancy loss. So, as the article suggests, it is a situation where the patient should beware of any recommendation on the testing and honestly is not of use or value. If you have questions or concerns regarding this testing, I am quite happy to speak with you. You may email me at [email protected] or you may schedule an initial consultation. Dr. Peter Ahlering Medical Director]]>

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