5 Fertility Specialist Recommendations

Fertility specialists are physicians who focus on individuals or couples planning to conceive or having difficulties in conceiving.  They strive to identify and treat underlying causes and develop and oversee treatment plans that protect fertility or lead to a family.  At MCRM Fertility, we acknowledge that the infertility journey can be very complex. We take pleasure in offering the most modern and thorough examination and treatment solutions on the market. Our fertility specialist will make the following recommendations to you:

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1.) Nutritional Supplements 

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At MCRM Fertility we recommend nutritional supplements, and tailor these to the circumstances.  For example, we routinely recommend that female patients take a prenatal vitamin with 400 to 800 micrograms of folate daily.

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2.) Eat Healthy and Hydrate

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Eating a healthy, balanced diet is beneficial for a successful pregnancy. Consumption of  lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein (such as fish), and low-fat dairy products is important. Avoidance of sugar and processed carbs, which are abundant in calories yet low in nutrients, is advised. 

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At MCRM Fertility, we encourage patients to drink lots of water regularly, which is key for fertility health. This aids in flushing toxins out of kidneys before they enter circulation.

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3.) Avoid Alcoholic Beverages and Smoking, and reduce Caffeine

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Smoking is associated with harm to  both male and female fertility, and alcohol may amplify that effect. Caffeine use in excess may reduce a couple’s chances of conceiving.

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4.) Exercise Regularly

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Exercise is beneficial to remain healthy at any age, whether pregnant or trying to conceive, for mental, physical, and emotional wellness. Exercising for at least 30 minutes daily may reduce the chance of ovulatory-factor infertility, though patients should check with their physician as to whether this recommendation should be adjusted to their circumstances.

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5.) Practice Meditation

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Meditation helps many patients to cope with the stress of infertility and fertility treatment, and may improve overall wellbeing.   

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Visit a Fertility Specialist Today

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Individuals and couples learn a variety of healthy living suggestions from their reproductive professionals to endure the fertility rollercoaster. A healthy lifestyle is an integral part of this.

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Our staff at MCRM Fertility is eager to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to consider us partners as we work together to make your parental goal a reality. Set up a consultation today to start your fertility journey.

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