Questions to Ask Your Fertility Specialist

For some couples, conceiving is easy; for others, it’s an uphill climb. If your own situation feels like that uphill climb, a fertility specialist can help you realize your dream of parenthood. Specifically, if you are female under age 35 (or over age 35) who has not prevented pregnancy for over 12 months (or 6 months if over age 35) with a male partner, or have a known risk factor for infertility (like very irregular cycles), you may meet the diagnosis of “infertility,” and it is a good idea to visit a fertility specialist. When you visit your physician or fertility specialist for the first time, be sure you are prepared and ask questions.

Fertility Diagnosis

Often, patients who are having difficulty becoming pregnant will begin their journey by visiting their primary care physician (PCP) or their OB/GYN.  To optimize your visit with your PCP or OB/GYN, you’ll want to be sure to be thorough and comprehensive when you complete your medical history and bring along with you all medical records you may have.  This includes your menstrual cycles dates, length of periods, prior pregnancies and any recent (within the last year) evaluation or testing (lab work, semen analysis, ultrasounds) you or your partner may have completed. Providing this information will assist your physician in planning your next steps which may include:

  1. Ordering additional tests to evaluate and confirm your infertility condition.
  2. Refer you to a fertility specialist.

If you are referred to a fertility specialist, you’ll likely begin with an initial visit to review your medical history. Again, it is important to be thorough in providing as much information as possible regarding your fertility. Be sure you complete your medical history and provide any prior medical records of recent testing/evaluation you or your partner may have completed.

At your initial visit with your fertility specialist, your doctor will review your fertility history and medical records and discuss your family planning desires. Based on the information obtained, the fertility specialist will outline next steps to assist you along your journey. This may include:

  1. Completing a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of your fertility potential through use of ultrasound and laboratory work.
  2. Completing a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of your partner’s fertility potential through use of a magnified semen analysis.
  3. Discuss the use of the optimal fertility treatment based on the diagnostic fertility evaluation.

Your fertility specialist is always committed to knowing you as a person and providing you with personalized treatment plans and emotional support.

Questions to Ask Your Fertility Specialist

We encourage our patients to have a good understanding of their diagnosis so they can better prepare themselves for their unique fertility journey.  Patients shouldn’t be shy about asking questions and discussing their situation with their fertility specialist.  When you ask questions, you and your physician will develop an understanding of any concerns and how to best proceed regarding treatment. The following questions can assist you walk the journey with ease:

What’s the Cause of My Fertility Difficulties?

The cause of your fertility difficulties may be solely related to you, solely related to your partner or a combination of both you and your partner.  Your diagnosis may be related to an ovulation problem, blocked fallopian tube(s), uterine fibroids, age, stress, Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR), etc. Your partner may have a diagnosis of low sperm count, low motility, low morphology, DNA fragmentation, etc.  Understanding the diagnosis related to the couple is the key!

What Treatment Should I Utilize for My Infertility?

Depending on the couple’s diagnosis there may be several options for treatment.  In cases of minor male factor, monitored timed-intercourse or intrauterine insemination (IUI) may be appropriate. In more complex situations, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is likely the optimal treatment.  Your fertility physician will review with you your diagnosis and which treatment provides you with the highest likelihood of success so you may choose the best path of care for you.

How Does My Health Affect Fertility?

Infections, thyroid, poor nutrition, and more can impact your fertility potential. Your doctor will review with you any health concerns and discuss recommendations you may be able to take to achieving optimal health.

Is Surgery Useful At All?

Sometimes, surgery may be necessary to make conception a possibility. Surgery can be used to open blocked fallopian tubes and remove uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

Will the Fertility Treatment be Successful?

Everybody is different, and conditions can impact different bodies in different ways. This means fertility treatments and their successes will also be different from person to person.

What Lifestyle Modifications Increase the Chances of Conception?

Your doctor can advise you on any lifestyle modifications to make to enhance your chances of conception.  This may include to stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake, monitor weight, and manage stress.

Be prepared and write down your questions in advance of your initial appointment.  The answers you obtain will help you make a sound decision on overall health and the fertility treatment option best for you.

Why Insist on a Fertility Specialist?

A fertility specialist understands the emotional and stressful situation that a couple goes through as they endeavor to conceive. They require empathy and encouragement, not to mention emotional support. A fertility specialist can be that person who stands with you throughout the fertility journey.

Are you a woman living in Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois or Kentucky? Do you have a desire to get pregnant, and you are unable, or have you experienced previous miscarriages? Contact MCRM Fertility, and let us assist you along your fertility journey.


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